Spaß und einfach zu Hause zu backen!
105 grammn Kokosöl (oder Pflanzenöl)
190 grammn Zucker
4 Esslöffel Apfelsauce
3 Esslöffel Ahorsirup, Honig oder Agave (honig ist nicht vegane)
1-2 Esslöffel Aromen (Vanille, Kakaopulver, Erdnussbutter)
Zimt oder Muskatnuss
1 1/2 Esslöffel backpulver
132 grammn mehl
132 grammn hafer (ungekocht gerollt)
Rosinen, Nusse oder Schokolade
Step 1: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cream "butter" or coconut oil with sugar until light and fluffy. Step 2: Add applesauce, agave, flavoring (vanilla), baking powder and salt. Stir well.
Step 3: Fold in flour and oats. Add mix ins of choice.
Step 4: You can chill the dough if you want or just bake it right away.
Step 5: Bake on a greased baking sheet for about 15 minutes, or until golden brown. (you can bake for slightly longer if you like crispier cookies!)